Home Assistant SkyConnect ZBT-1

New Home Assistant SkyConnect ZBT-1


Home Assistant SkyConnect ZBT-1

Home Assistant SkyConnect is designed to fit perfectly with Home Assistant users. The device offers easy Zigbee connectivity and will support the Matter specification in the future with a firmware update from Home Assistant.
The product supports Over-The-Wire (OTW) firmware update via USB interface, which enables easy and fast firmware update for both protocols.
The device is an EFR32 series 2 adapter (Silicon Labs EZSP v8) that will transmit at a power of +20 dBm.
The drive supports full-speed USB 2.0 when connected to the included USB extension. 
Home Assistant will provide an addon that will contact Ember Stacks for Zigbee and Matter. Nabu casa will constantly provide firmware updates that will provide the best experience using a Zigbee/Matter adapter.
The USB stick will be Plug and Play, tightly integrated with Zigbee Home Automation integration, allowing for a beginner-friendly experience.
● USB multi-protocol transceiver in the 2.4GHz band
● Zigbee/Thread/Matter
● USB v2.0 with full speed
● TX power up to +20dBm
● Silabs EFR32MG21 wireless SoC
● Support for Over-The-updates Wire (OTW)
The hardware is based on a Silicon Labs EFR32MG21 SoC (the same chip used in Sonoff's ZBDongle-E), a 2.4 GHz multi-protocol IEEE 802.15.4 radio MCU that is capable of simultaneously running both Stack /protocols Zigbee 3.0 (EmberZNet/EZSP) as well as Thread (OpenThread/Spinel inc. Matter/CHIP over Thread) by using firmware in RCP mode RCP (Radio Co-Processor). Direct local serial communication will be via a built-in USB-to-UART converter/bridge (probably a CP210x series chip from Silicon Labs). 
The Home Assistant / Nabu Casa team is also working on several add-ons that will also allow these two adapters to work simultaneously as a Zigbee coordinator and as an OpenThread border router (OTBR) for Matter compatible devices/ Thread-based CHIPs (which communicate locally via a USB-serial port using Spinel's OpenThread RPC interface via UART. Silabs EmberZNet EZSP interfaces to Zigbee via the zigpy libraries will also enable support for integrating ZHA (Zigbee Home Automation) out- out-of-the-box. 
● Support for Zigbee, Matter and Thread.
● Over-the-wire (OTW) firmware updates
● Full-speed USB v2.0
Technical specifications:
● Power supply: 5V DC / up to 150mA
● USB: v2.0 maximum speed (12Mbps)
● Bridge: USB to UART, Silabs CP2102N
Mechanical Specifications:
● Dimensions (LxWxH): approx. 38.5 x 18 x 4.5 mm.
● Weight: 4g
RF Specifications:
● Transceiver: Silabs EFR32MG21
● Frequency: 2.4 GHz
● Antenna: PCB
● TX Power: up to +20dBm
● RX Sensitivity: -104dBm (250kbps)
● Protocols: Zigbee, Matter, Thread
● Stack: EmberZNet Serial Protocol (EZSP)

  • Product Code: NCZBT9710
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 49.97€
  • Ex Tax: 40.30€

Tags: Shelly